Saturday, February 12, 2011

I got the job.

Hey!! FYI, I got the job! woohoo~~

I was going to bed one night when suddenly my friend called;

"Arep, ko nk keje tak kt Esso ni? Klau nk,, dtg esok."
Now, I'm a fulltime cashier at Esso Maluri. Do drop by if you have the chance alright? haha! Now I know how hard it is to earn money. Its not that simple.

Anything bad can happen when you're a cashier. Hope everything is fine for me. Do pray for my safety and success please! XD


Anonymous said...

alolol kerja dah die , haha good luck and aminnn ~

Ujer said...

kerja elok2 arip.
gaji belanja aku.haha :D
aku belanja ko gak ngan gaji aku.

- ARiF - said...

thx mus. ;)

ujer,, xda hal la! haha!