Saturday, January 22, 2011

Seize the day will you?

"Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over"

"a melody, a memory, or just one PICTURE"
from A7X - seize the day

Long ago, I believed that cameras weren't that useful to me since I wasn't the guy who loves taking pictures to be put inside an album etc. I prefer to keep those good memories in mind rather than keeping them inside an album.

After a while, mum got me a Canon Digital Ixus and told me to snap pictures of my batch and my beloved college since it was my last year back then. I brought it along with me to Malay College and do as I was told.

Now that I realise when I wake up in the morning, I'm in my room. Sleeping for hours in bed, ALONE.

No more seeing Menol struggling to memorize historical facts, Rizman making a new map at the mattress, Sifu and Alan doing their 'things', Affwan with his 'sexy lips' gossiping, Abby being teased by me, Sheh doing his push-ups, Harrith carrying books around, Amar doing his readings on his bed and Moon loitering around with his SE phone.

"As time passes by, regrets for the rest of my life"
from A7X - second heartbeat

Luckily I had a cam to snap all these moments. If only I ignored and reluctant to take out my cam and push the 'capture' button, then I would live a life full of regrets without any pictures to hold onto and relived those precious moments of us, the sixten together.

guys, if u read this,
then i really want u all to know.
that i missed u guys so much.
hope to see u guys again someday.
reliving our days back in college.
precious moments together will always last forever.
in our hearts.
as "our bond will last forever"


Naim Putera said...

And I am missing you too arif. Haha. The good old days.

- ARiF - said...

yup. hope it never last. but life has to go on. ;)

Anonymous said...

wuu.. sedihnye ..haha. lame ko x update ye.. bgus2, skrng dah update blog nieh^^. dah lame tunggu

- ARiF - said...

waa.. xtau plak ad fans. ;P
thx 4 the support. tgk blog korg mantap skrg, jelez plak aku. hehe.

btw juon, english ko style gak eh? tabik ah!!