Friday, October 9, 2009


Do you know about the inflation in Zimbabwe? Here's a bit info that I got from an email that was sent to me;

See this 500M cheque? Ain't it fascinating to have that much money inside our bank account? But not for the people there. This amount is actually the minimum amount that they have to pay for lunch!!

That amount of money is equivalent to US$2!! Just about enough to afford lunch for one day.

We should always be grateful as we were born in comfort and leisure life.We get almost everything that we want. Money were spent unhesitantly on unnecessary things.

While we are sleeping on a cosy bed,, there are people who sleeps with their bare hands as their pillow and dirts as their bed. Think again my brothers and sisters,, how different is our lives from them?

Praise to God for all the merciness that He gave to us as His creature,, khalifah of the Earth. Always be grateful of what we have. Don't ever be stingy towards those who in needs. Maybe one day,, we'll face the same situation like what they are facing now.

"Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah for everything.."

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